Love Rosie Cecelia Ahern 9780786891085 Books

Love Rosie Cecelia Ahern 9780786891085 Books
I gave this book three stars because I did not like how the book was written. It's written all in the past and in the form of letters, emails, instant messages, and cards. I think this story line could have been sooo much better if told from dual point of views in the present with some past thrown in. That being said, I still loved Alex and Rosie. Your heart kept breaking every time you think they'd get together and then didn't. I loved the concept of the book. Best friends since 5 years old and inseparable until Alex moves to Boston and Rosie stays in Dublin. Somehow, they keep their friendship going over a span of 45 years (story starts with them at 5 years old and ends when they are 50 years old). It is a very inspiring story on how to keep a friendship going, as well.Very rarely do I like the movie better than the book, and in this case, the movie was better. And the movie changed A LOT of things that did or did not happen in the book. But I still loved it.

Tags : Love, Rosie [Cecelia Ahern] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <strong>The basis for the motion picture starring Lily Collins and Sam Claflin!</strong> What happens when two people who are meant to be together can't seem to get it right? Rosie and Alex are destined for each other,Cecelia Ahern,Love, Rosie,Hachette Books,0786891084,Romance - Contemporary,Best friends;Fiction.,Electronic mail messages;Fiction.,Man-woman relationships;Fiction.,Adult & contemporary romance,Boston (Mass.),Dublin (Ireland),ENGLISH LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,FICTION Romance Contemporary,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction General,Fiction-Romance,General Adult,Humorous fiction,MASS MARKET,RomanceModern,Romance: Modern
Love Rosie Cecelia Ahern 9780786891085 Books Reviews
What an interesting read. It took me a little while to get into the style—with the entire story told through emails, letters, and notes—but once I did, I completely loved it!
The unique narrative style makes this book stand out. I love a good story that uses the online world, and boy does this book take that to the next level.
It’s so interesting how the online interactions affect the relationships.
The characters continually censor their feelings. It’s much easier to hide one’s thoughts online than it is in person, which is part of the reason why it takes Rosie and Alex so long to get on the same page.
It’s frustrating to read their continued miss communication and opportunities because a lot of their problems stem from the bulk of their relationship being online.
All it takes is one of them to hide their feelings, or steer the online conversation in a different direction, for the truth to be swept into cyber space. Again.
But then on the flipside, not speaking face-to-face allows the characters to be brutally honest, when they want to be. It’s refreshing to read those moments when they’re brutally honest with one another.
Everything that’s lost and gained from these relationships being conducted online makes this book so interesting.
Another aspect I really enjoyed was the length of time we spend with these characters. Rosie and Alex start off as small children, following them all the way up until they’re fifty.
I loved the progression of this story—bumps, bruises, frustration, and endless miscommunication included!
I watched the movie first, not knowing it was based off a book. I was a lover of the movie and I think maybe if I had read it before watching it, I would have loved the book. However reading it left me rather frustrated and overwhelmed. Some of the conversations and letters and emails have very little bearing on the story and the back and forth between some characters made little sense. Then at the end it alludes to her reading all these memories over and that's why they are in there. But why would Alex's conversations to his brother Phil, Stephanie, and Katie be in there if she was reading them. I like the ending where it's so simple and infinite feeling. I wish I had read it long ago. I Would have appreciated it more.
I picked up this book in preparation for the movie and oh my god if my heart isn't broken (in a good way).
I'm a sucker for love stories and Sam Claflin, so when I saw the trailer, I immediately had to pick up the book so I could go out and see the movie. I did just that and started it the moment I got it.
The constant missing of one another between Rosie and Alex is absolutely aggravating, but I love it. Obviously, if they had realized their feelings for one another right away, there really wouldn't have been a novel. The entire time, though, I just felt like screaming at both of them.
Near the middle, there was a bit of a lull and I had to put it down for a while, but eventually picked it up again. I think because of this, I didn't like the ending as much, it seemed kind of anti-climactic, but it was still an alright ending.
LOVE, ROSIE is an epistolary novel told totally in letters, notes, emails, and IMs. I like this form of novel because I am a nosy person and I always feel like I'm reading someone's mail behind their back.
This particular book could have done with some editing. I felt it dragged in the middle and would have been much better if it was about half the length.
But I did enjoy the story of Rosie and Alex, best friends since they were just little tykes. This is a story of friendship, love and missed opportunities and what ifs. The timing just never seems to be right for these two to get together.
Most of the story takes place in Ireland, where Rosie lives. The characters are amazingly fleshed out, even though the reader just meets them in letters, etc. Some of the letters and especially emails are a tad bloated as they try to get too much across in too short of space.
But overall, the story works and I recommend it to romance lovers (and busybodies like me).
I gave this book three stars because I did not like how the book was written. It's written all in the past and in the form of letters, emails, instant messages, and cards. I think this story line could have been sooo much better if told from dual point of views in the present with some past thrown in. That being said, I still loved Alex and Rosie. Your heart kept breaking every time you think they'd get together and then didn't. I loved the concept of the book. Best friends since 5 years old and inseparable until Alex moves to Boston and Rosie stays in Dublin. Somehow, they keep their friendship going over a span of 45 years (story starts with them at 5 years old and ends when they are 50 years old). It is a very inspiring story on how to keep a friendship going, as well.
Very rarely do I like the movie better than the book, and in this case, the movie was better. And the movie changed A LOT of things that did or did not happen in the book. But I still loved it.

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