Continuum eBook Robert Padgug

"...for us physicists believe the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one."-Albert Einstein –
Dr. Paul Hanley, Professor of Physics, was convinced he could see through the illusion as he labored through page after page of equations approaching a solution. Then an opportunity to test his theory was presented so he launched a message far into the deep future. Suddenly strange things began to happen…could it be his answer? Now Hanley is following vague instructions from a shadowy future intelligence.
He teaches an annual course expounding his theory to a class of unsuspecting students. Hanley begins by explaining that their concept of reality, developed over a lifetime of observations and high school physics is all a lie. His students may doubt his sanity but they’re in for a rude awakening. This term will be very different from the last.
The innovative format interleaves lectures constructing his unique theory with exciting episodes pitting Hanley and three of his students against an evil cult. You can audit his course, learn his theory and join the fight.
Bob Padgug
Continuum eBook Robert Padgug
If the author isn't already teaching physics, students are missing out; I rather wish I'd had him for an instructor! But wait; in this book, Robert Padgug IS teaching physics and I've had an enjoyable 'review' of selected advanced topics all wrapped up in easily digestible form.This is a book that will require some investment of time and thought to get to the, "will-full suspension of disbelief." Professor Padgug will get you there, if you're willing to take the ride. The first half to two-thirds of the book is primarily devoted to ensuring the reader has enough physics knowledge to deem the premise of the book plausible. It's interspersed with sections that advance the plot; but the initial bulk is devoted to a delightful presentation of a series of lectures on physics -- done rather I think in the engaging style of Richard Feynman. (He could probably make more money by packaging those lectures appropriately and selling them directly!)
While the book is not entirely free of typos, I only explicitly recall one, it is exceptionally clean -- academically clean. :)
While, "Continuum," gets off to a slower start than many, the pace does accelerate, and I finished the book, having read it straight through, at 4 A.M.: well beyond my normal bedtime.
"Continuum," clearly falls in the 'hard sf' category. In my opinion -- it's a keeper!
Product details

Tags : Continuum - Kindle edition by Robert Padgug. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Continuum.,ebook,Robert Padgug,Continuum,Robert A. Padgug,FICTION Science Fiction Time Travel,SCIENCE Physics General
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Continuum eBook Robert Padgug Reviews
A great book mixing physics, philosophy and genetics seamlessly into a gripping tale.
Overall, the book is well done. The interplay of the story and the lectures gives readers a chance to understand the "science" behind the storyline. However, the book is very long and it's a bit challenging to follow the storyline with the constant interruption of the lecture parts of the book. The idea is novel and I give Mr. Padgug credit for his creativity, but there's too much switching back and forth interrupting the story, even though the interruptions are somewhat essential to the storyline.
The theories and conjectures set forth in this book are scientifically sound, and are presented in a way to be remembered, sprinkled with dashes of wry and ironic humor.
I have studied time for over 35 years, and "know" that TT is not only possible, but experiential events have occurred which sent me down the path of considering the brain to be the fulcrum of time travel.
The only negative for me was the stereotypical portrayal of the mega-rich evil tycoon- it came across as cartoonish- an anomalous deviation from the physics components of the story. However, in context, this tangential odyssey is minuscule relative to the great lessons set forth.
A great read for anyone who is seriously into time travel!
This book is a combination between a physics refresher, which I enjoyed immensely, and a really original concept regarding time travel, complete with an engaging plot about the good guys defeating the bad guys. I wish the philosophical passages were shorter and more focused, but that's probably just my technical background speaking. You can't discuss modern physics without touching on philosophy at least a little bit, some things are just too weird.
All things considered, it's a very interesting and well written book, and I recommend it wholeheartedly. Ranking a book at five stars is very rare for me, but I feel that it deserves it because of its originality.
If the author isn't already teaching physics, students are missing out; I rather wish I'd had him for an instructor! But wait; in this book, Robert Padgug IS teaching physics and I've had an enjoyable 'review' of selected advanced topics all wrapped up in easily digestible form.
This is a book that will require some investment of time and thought to get to the, "will-full suspension of disbelief." Professor Padgug will get you there, if you're willing to take the ride. The first half to two-thirds of the book is primarily devoted to ensuring the reader has enough physics knowledge to deem the premise of the book plausible. It's interspersed with sections that advance the plot; but the initial bulk is devoted to a delightful presentation of a series of lectures on physics -- done rather I think in the engaging style of Richard Feynman. (He could probably make more money by packaging those lectures appropriately and selling them directly!)
While the book is not entirely free of typos, I only explicitly recall one, it is exceptionally clean -- academically clean. )
While, "Continuum," gets off to a slower start than many, the pace does accelerate, and I finished the book, having read it straight through, at 4 A.M. well beyond my normal bedtime.
"Continuum," clearly falls in the 'hard sf' category. In my opinion -- it's a keeper!

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