Paula' Ave fénix Spanish Edition Isabel Allende 9788401385230 Books

Paula' Ave fénix Spanish Edition Isabel Allende 9788401385230 Books
This story was written to honour the life of the author's young daughter who suffers from a life-threatening disease. Allende follows the family history through the turbulence of the military coup in Chile to their struggle to adapt to a new life in North America after their escape. The central character is Paula, her daughter, but each member of this eccentric family plays his or her part in this engrossing, emotionally charged story of love, loss, courage and fear. It a pean to the special love between a mother and daughter, and the triumph of the spirit. Compelling reading. Highly recommended.
Tags : Paula' (Ave fénix) (Spanish Edition) [Isabel Allende] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Barcelona. 23 cm. 365 p. Encuadernación en tapa dura de editorial con sobrecubierta ilustrada. Colección 'Ave Fénix. Serie mayor ; ',Isabel Allende,Paula' (Ave fénix) (Spanish Edition),Plaza & Janés,8401385237,100211554,Allende family,Allende, Isabel,Family,Modern fiction
Paula' Ave fénix Spanish Edition Isabel Allende 9788401385230 Books Reviews
I am a huge fan of Allende’s writing had read several other of books before this one. “Paula” is a powerful, achingly honest account of a mother struggling to deal with her daughter’s living death. As Isabel chronicles her own life to try and hold onto sanity while keeping vigil, she gives her readers great insight into her novels.
I loved this novel because of the way Isabel Allende used to communicate with her dying daughter. It made me think in the way mothers try to console their kids when they are sick. Most of the time we try to entertain them to keep them away from their pains. She does something similar telling her all her past. Even though Paula cannot hear, she continues talking and talking about their past. Isabel Allende is a great story teller, she transport you in space and in the journey you cannot avoid laughing or crying. I like her as a writer, she opens her heart and invites you to participate in the story. I also admire her because most of her novels are based on true stories and many of them. are personal stories. She is not afraid to be judged or criticized.
A writer who can make you laugh, smile, and cry in the same chapter is indeed a writer to be cherished. Such is the case with Allende's Paula. As a mother, I suffered with Allende's description of her struggle to keep her comatose daughter alive, yet amid the tragedy she could digress and recall earlier periods of laughter and funny irony. Even in the midst of the anguish of trying to find a way to communicate with her inert daughter, she found comic relief in the drama of the lives of other patients in the hospital. The author provides compelling stories of her early childhood, great loves, and introduces a parade of interesting characters. All these are gently interwoven with a description of historical events and political turmoil in Chile creating a provocative glimpse of an era which I suspect most US readers were probably unaware. A tender and sensitive description of loss, tragedy, and of finding peace, Paula is indeed one of my more revered reads for this year.
This book will make you feel you belong in Isabel's own family. You will laugh, cry, feel joy, and never want the book to end. At least all of this happened to me. I have read various Allende books (she is my favorite author btw) and this might be my favorite book of hers. It's a tough statement to make because all of her books are incredible and so rich with detail and always contain strong and interesting characters; but this particular book was very emotional and felt extremely personal and for that it made me love it even more. Once you read this I strongly urge you to read The Sum Of Our Days. I think the two should be read close together to get the full impact of this time in Isabel's life.
We read this for a book club. I admit I struggled to get through the first 100 pages. It seemed very scatterbrained and jumped around a lot, probably just like how she was feeling while writing it. But it does redeem itself as you get farther along. Her writing is very good and she starts to focus more on events in more length. I have heard her other books are amazing and this one is just a little different being a memoir.
An emotional, endearing and wonderful read! I enjoyed following Isabel Allende's path through the most painful experience a parent can have the death of her 27 year old daughter of a terrible, unusual and strange genetic illness porphyry. Her heartbreaking road takes her to tell the story of her family and her own in a humorous, entertaining and at time painful way. I read the book in Spanish, which is doubly rewarding as the richness of Allende's communications skills in her maternal language become outstanding following colloquial Chilean expressions that can be absolutely untranslatable funny. With "Paula" the reader will enjoy a taste of Chile's tragic history especially during the 60s and 70s, of the country's amazing geographical beauty, customs and the resilience and richness of the people. I loved it!
Wow que historia fascinante de amor, dolor y éxito. La agilidad de Allende para describir sus emociones causan que el lector se apropie de ellas. Su abilidad para entretejer la historia de Chile y latinoamericana durante esos años conecta a cualquier latinoamericano que vivió esos años con ese pasado común que enfrentamos en las décadas de los sesentas, setentas y ochentas. Años de dolor pero de cambio que nos inspiran a apreciar la herencia que podemos transmitir a nuestros hijos nacidos en Estados Unidos. Gracias Isabel Allende por expresar con tus propias palabras todos mis sentimientos.
This story was written to honour the life of the author's young daughter who suffers from a life-threatening disease. Allende follows the family history through the turbulence of the military coup in Chile to their struggle to adapt to a new life in North America after their escape. The central character is Paula, her daughter, but each member of this eccentric family plays his or her part in this engrossing, emotionally charged story of love, loss, courage and fear. It a pean to the special love between a mother and daughter, and the triumph of the spirit. Compelling reading. Highly recommended.

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